Saturday, 18 June 2011

Rocky Harbour and Port Au Choix

Lunch at the Sea Loft in Woody Point - good recommendation Kathy & Bruce

This is an amazing place.  Nothing prepares you for the incredible scale of the majesty of it all - and the warm friendliness of the people.  We have heard and shared so many life stories - and it is only day 2 on "The Rock".   First night off the ferry was just a quick stop in Stephenville and the next morning heading into the beginning of the adventure.  Rocky Harbour was wonderful to remember the trek of 3 years ago.  The Western Brook Pond tour was as spectacular as the first time.  Got off the beaten track into Trout River and Woody Point - meet our new friend Robert White (or Rodderick - not sure with the accent - we must listen real fast around here....) with his catch of catelin - the tiny fish that the whales come in for.  You heard it first from him - the lobster catch is way down this year - a very cold spring - but the catelin are the best in 10 years.   A fella can walk into the sea at dawn up to his knees and get buckets of em.  They are salted and laid out to dry for 'bout 3 - 4 days - then are great eatin with a pint o beer.  Got a nice 2 hr.  hike in at the Interrpretive Centre at Woody Point - up to a 360 lookout - see Pink Ladyslippers below. 

We will visit the area tomorrow and then head up to St. Anthony.  We have a great lead on a B & B called The Tickle Inn in Cape Onion near St. Anthony.  We will call David, the owner, tomorrow and see if he has any room. 

No camping as of yet - too cold - although the last 2 days have been dry and the weather is not getting in our way at all.  The B & B's are wonderful - we get to meet the locals and they look after us so well.  

 Robert Wright - catelin and lobster fisherman - Trout River
 Salted Catelin drying
Pink Ladyslippers on hike at Woody Point

More later at the top - the iceberg website tells us there are 2 or 3 hanging around St. Anthony.  Hope to see them tomorrow.

Hugs to all,  more later.    K & M

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